Holland's Frank Takes has a potentially easier solution: /* This solution simply changes the string s into ss, then for every starting// symbol it checks if it can make a sequence simply by repeatedly checking // if a sequence can be found that is longer than the current maximum one.*/#include#include using namespace std;int main() { fstream input, output; string inputFilename = "beads.in", outputFilename = "beads.out"; input.open(inputFilename.c_str(), ios::in); output.open(outputFilename.c_str(), ios::out); int n, max=0, current, state, i, j; string s; char c; input >> n >> s; s = s+s; for(i=0; i max) max = current; } // for output << max << endl; return 0;} // main
/*ID: nanke691LANG: C++TASK: beads*/#include#include #include using namespace std;char s1[700];int dp[355];int main(){ int n; FILE *fin = fopen ("beads.in", "r"); FILE *fout = fopen ("beads.out", "w"); //while(scanf("%d",&n)==1) //{ fscanf(fin,"%d",&n); fscanf(fin,"%s",s1); for(int i=0;i n) sum=dp[i]+dp[t-n]; else sum=dp[i]+dp[t+i]; if(sum>max1) max1=sum; if(max1>=n) { max1=n; break; } } fprintf(fout,"%d\n",max1); //} return 0;}